Arthawut Boonyuang studied in Kanjanaburi since kindergarten until high school. After that, he went to study at Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, in the film technology department. He started making films in 2009 because of the need to tell stories, and he saw film as a medium fit for the need. After that he had worked as a cameraman at a cable TV station for 6 months. Now he has quitted the job and makes documentaries and short films as well as writing a script for a feature film and preparing for his master degree.
Woman in democracy
2009 / Fiction / sound / colour / 10 minute
The story is about the woman in search of her lost husband during political unrest on 14 April, 2009
time to be ...
2010 / mockumentary / sound / colour / 12 minute
The story is about the woman sprinkling the ashes of her deceased father on Chao Praya river.
Director's Statement
This film is based on Buddhist concept of samsara (the endless cycle of birth and suffering and death and rebirth)